Have you tried the newest thing for furniture yet? It's the amazing Woodubend mouldings! It's like jewelry for your furniture! As a furniture artist I'm always looking for something to help take my projects to the next level. When I found these I was hooked! They have helped me repair furniture that I thought couldn't be saved. I've rebuilt edges and covered with trim, I've added them to bent edges and corners to add ornate detail.
Woodubend is a bendable, stainable paintable moulding you heat up and apply! So easy to use and adds amazing detail to the piece! This new products is made in the U.K. and you are able to purchase from small vendors such as Etsy or The Dixie Belle Paint Company. They come in many sizes and style, over 3000 available. You can use rolls of trim to accent or cover damages, add medallions to create drama or change a plain style to something fabulous!

Want to learn more? Watch this informative video below on how to apply this amazing product. And if you wanted to try your own you can purchase yours here!
Woodubend can be applied to any craft you are trying, it can stick to metal, glass or canvas. The possibilities are endless! Since you can use them to bend around edges, or mould to a uneven surface your able to apply where ever you like!

Have fun with your "bendy" wood!
The Top Drawer RVA